Do you know that men suffering erectile dysfunction are prone to osteoporosis? The recent studies have proved this suggestion. Moreover the physicians suppose that ED may be regarded as precursory symptom of a bone disease. This conclusion is possible due to researches carried out with participation of 4460 men at the age of 40 and older who have problems with erection during for years and they were compared with 17 480 men within the same age bracket who have not problems with sex life. All the patients are selected randomly. As the result, men with ED suffering osteoporosis are almost twice as much as men without ED. Thus patients with erectile dysfunction are highly recommended to check their bone mineral density, and vice versa men suffering osteoporosis should look after their virile strength.
What is osteoporosis?
Let’s take a try and find out when osteoporosis occurs. In general this deviation can be described as fragility of bones. They become so weak that can be easily broken even due to sneezing. The bones become porous or to be specific the pores become larger than they are in a healthy bone. This disease ruins the tissue structure. There is a high risk to be affected by osteoporosis after 50 years old, so, in order to reveal the problem and start treatment in time, a man of this age should make bone density test. It should be understood that low bone mass is not a rare medical condition but it is very serious! The most vulnerable parts of body are hips, wrists and spine. In addition to fracture the patient usually feels permanent pain caused by osteoporosis, his mobility can be limited that is why it is necessary to turn to nursery help.
So what underlies the link between osteoporosis and erectile dysfunction? The investigators decide that low naturally available free testosterone of men with ED is of key importance for bone formation. Thus, the answer is testosterone depletion! This very reason can increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Treating Erectile Dysfunction
From the above said it is clear that erectile dysfunction should be cured without delay. There are a lot of efficient drugs for its treatment, which are proved during the years. Their contraindications and side effects are well studied and stated without any doubts. Every man can escape undesirable conditions whatever health state he has consulting with a doctor. Do not forget that such pills do not treat the reason but give you a chance to have a proper erection during the particular period of time. So still you are expected to turn to a doctor for a consultation in order to get rid of the reasons causing impotence and threatening the osteoporosis.
Meanwhile restore the lost sexual potency taking Cialis tablets (can be ordered at https://www.perthmeds.com/cialis-online-perth.html) with the main acting component Tadalafil. It should be mentioned that this drug is rather expensive and there is no generic one. This agent belongs to phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. It does not allow an enzyme phosphodiesterase type-5 working in penis to react too fast. In other words it controls the enzyme and makes the erection longer. Like the other remedies this treatment causes an erection only with prior sexual drive. Here you can find the detailed description of this treatment https://www.drugs.com/cialis.html. If this one is too expensive and not known well enough, at any time you can find popular Viagra for sale at https://www.onlinevgraaustralia.net/ and save your money taking the legendary blue pills.